Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope and Change for USA and the world

As tonight I watch the swearing in ceremony of Barack Hussein Obama I remember many years ago when I was in school, having an argument with my elder brother. My brother was of the view that anything is possible and I was of the view that there are certain things which are impossible in the real world. To prove my point I gave the example of someone who is not a citizen of USA becoming its president. My brother argued that someone capable enough can gather enough support to amend the constitution and become the president and it is in realm of possibilities. If we stretch anything to its extreme then it may look absurd. But if we go by the spirit of an argument or issue, the 44th president of the USA Mr. Obama has achieved the impossible. Obama is a faithful follower of Abraham Lincoln who I think is the greatest leader in the history of the world. What makes USA such a great country is the fact that despite everything they have rallied around the fundamental concept that “All are equal, all are free and all have a right to pursue happiness”. This wonderful concept has taken precedence over everything else. A great idea can change lives as well as its quality. I really like Obama for the fact that more than anything else he stands for hope and change. He brings in that perspective and conviction. May he succeed in making this a better world!

What about an Obama for India that we desperately need. We perhaps had one in Dr. Kalam but unfortunately he was the president and in India the president has very little power. We need 274 Obamas to bring in the required change; an impossibility though I am afraid to bet my last penny on that. Who knows?

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