Thursday, July 23, 2009

VIP culture in India

If corruption comes at the top in the list of impediments to the growth of India our VIP mentality comes a close second. Though we gain independence more than 60 years ago and we claim to be the largest democracy in the world our mindset is far from democratic. The case of Dr. Kalam being frisked by an airline is a case in point. Dr. Kalam himself acted in a very dignified manner and instead of learning from him our leaders are unnecessarily making a hue and cry. One hopes they will demonstrate the same enthusiasm and energy while dealing with real problems facing our country today. Why can't our leaders take a professional approach to their responsibility? They should enjoy whatever benefits they are entitled to in their respective office but outside of that they should not expect any special treatment. In today's world how we can afford not to check so many individuals in the name of VIP status. Most of our leaders including cabinet ministers have criminal records, quite a few of them have been charged with heinous crimes like rape, kidnapping and murder. They have used their passports for human trafficking in the past. How these people can be allowed to fly without checking? This mindset of trying to be above law or process should be discouraged at all levels. While the list of persons who are exempt from checking includes all by their position one notable exception is Robert Vadra. By the way who is Robert Vadra? What is the unique position he holds or what is his contribution to this country? In the past only eminent people used to be chosen for the post of the President. However, recently most of them have been political appointees. Dr. Kalam is an exception. If at all a few need to exempted that should be limited only to the current President, the Chief Justice Of India and three defence chiefs. Let us accept our position and responsibility with a professional mindset rather than a colonial mindset and focus on our work rather than seeking special status and privileges. Our leaders should follow the examples of Lalbahadur and Dr. Kalam rather than use their names to score political brownie points.